Special Tips For Pet Owners
CategoriesRug Ideas
Do you have a pet? Join the crowd. About 70 million US households have pets – and that number represents a 35 percent increase from 1988, according to the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association.
Dogs especially have urine retention problems when they’re puppies, elderly or sick. For puppies, packs of 100 temporary absorbent pads can be purchased from pet supply stores. These work better than newspaper, so spread them around on the spots where your puppy tends to gravitate. When Fluffy makes a mess, throw the pad out.
Sometimes when a new dog is introduced into a home where another dog has been, they will mark spots in the house in the same way they mark territory in the neighborhood. Cats also mark territory inside the house.
You can combat pet odors and stains in many ways:
-Check out the CRI Seal of Approval products that are specifically designed for pet stains and odors.
-Vacuum more frequently to capture pet hair and dust drifting from Fluffy’s fur.
-Have your carpet professionally cleaned every 12 to 18 months, or more frequently.
When dealing with urine spots, don’t use a steam cleaner, because the heat will set the stain and the smell.
Carpet cleaning firms *like Rug Ideas* know how to permanently remove pet stains and odor, where possible.
If you have caged pets, check pet-supply stores for scent-killing products (mineral or earthen products sold in bags), which you place near their cages. Plain old baking soda or clove oil on a cotton ball may mask the stench. If fleas should become a problem, keep in mind that your carpet is probably harboring eggs – keep up a regular vacuuming schedule! Check with your veterinarian for treatment options as well as tips for getting fleas out of the household environment.
*sourced from ‘Carpet Cleaning Tips for Dummies’ by Elizabeth B. Goldsmith
Dr. Khosrow Sobhe (Dr. Kay)
Certified Rug Specialist (CRS)
Tel. 310-770-9085
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