Rug Blog
CategoriesRug Ideas
My rug blog for me is like a good friend with whom I can speak whenever I have something to say. I can express myself. I do not know who reads my posts in my web log and from where in the world. But I know that roughly 40-50 visitors read my posts on my web log everyday. That is great.
Yesterday was Monday. Usually, Mondays are slow in terms of rug sale, because people had just the weekend and on the first day of the week and its beginning, have many more important things to do than buying area rugs, Persian or Oriental carpets. We were extremely busy yesterday. In the morning, three ladies and a gentleman came in and spent about 45 minutes looking at several area rug runners made of silk made in Belgium. They bought 4 runners and three small pieces of the same quality. They also bought an 8 x 10 fine rug pad. I went to Bank to deposit a couple of checks and for the 20 minutes that I was gone, three pieces of area rugs were sold to a Limousine driver who had stopped by and looked for high quality area rugs. We also received few Persian and Indian Gabbeh rugs from two different customers for cleaning and repair. A 10 x 14 Persian Tabriz rug was also picked up by a customer who had left the rug for cleaning and repair/replacement of the selvages. We were busy the whole day.
Khosrow Sobhe
Great collection of rugs at Rugman store…..
It is important that people do not buy wool Area Rugs that are made from wool that was collected in Australia. Australian wool represents substantial affliction for sheep, millions of whom are mutilated each year by the shearing process.
Wool that comes from such areas as New Zealand, China and India have wonderful environmental benefits as well as advantages within the home. Always ask where the wool is collected from and help stop this inhumane process.