You Have Problems With Your Rugs; We Have Solutions!
CategoriesRug Ideas
If fringes/tassels are damaged, we can do e-fringing an make the rug absolutely look beautiful.
This is after repair and re-fringing of the damaged rug.
If your rug runner is too wide, we have solutions.
We can down-size it.
If you need it wider again, we can go back to its original size.
If you have a damaged rug, we can take care of the damage.
This antique Persian Isfahan rug was damaged and we re-wove the damaged area and brought back to life again.
Red wine stain on your rug! We can remove it.
Water damaged rugs will be in good hands with us. Just give us a call.
Sometimes dogs and rugs cannot be good friends, but we can save both.
Dr. Khosrow Sobhe (Dr. Kay)
Certified Rug Specialist (CRS)
Tel. 310-770-9085
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