Video Testimonial – Area Rug Cleaning/Repair
CategoriesRug Ideas
An area rug was brought in by a customer who first wanted to have the rug deep cleaned, sanitized and deodorized. There was also a pretty larger hole in the middle of the rug she wanted repaired. Once we started talking in our showroom she also mentioned how the fringes on her rug were quite an eyesore and asked if there was anything we could do about it. We have seen this problem many times and had a few options for her, for which she opted to have the fringes replaced so as to improve the aesthetics of the rug. Take a look at the before pics below:
We did the deep cleaning right away so when it came back we could start the repairs. Once the rug was cleaned the hole was the first thing patched. Now that the rug was mostly in one piece we went to work on replacing the fringes. One of our master weavers did the attaching all by hand and the results came out great. Take a look below:
Our customer was so happy with the results she offered to give us a video testimonial (see top of page). We love being able to help our customers with whatever their rug needs are. If you have a rug that needs cleaning or repair come in and talk to us to see what options are available to you. Smiles are all around at Rug Ideas!
Dr. Khosrow Sobhe (Dr. Kay)
Certified Rug Specialist (CRS)
Tel. 310-770-9085
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