Textile Museum Associates of Southern California Kurdish Afreen Kilims
CategoriesRug Ideas
At The TMASC Meeting
TMASC had a wonderful and well received meeting on September 11, 2010. The speech was given by Yaser Al Saghrji, born and raised in Syria with a degree in English literature from Damascus University. Yaser has been a rug business owner since 1996 and has been traveling all over the Middle East collecting antique carpets and tribal rugs for his customers. It was about Kurdish flat weaves of Afreen, Syria. The Kurds of Afreen
The Kurds of Afreen in the northwestern Syria have had a long history of being skillful kilim flat-weavers. These colorful kilims are woven with whimsical cicim-type decorations. The meeting went into further detail about how the life style of the Afreens lead them to weaving these kilims. The speech was educational and informative. We had a house full of participants for this event. Many of clients bring kilims and flat weaves for cleaning and repair in Los Angeles. Kilims are pile less therefore are light and can be used as floor covering, wall hanging, mattress covers, table covers and etc. The design of kilims are more authentic than rugs. The design of rugs in many cases are changed by the market taste.
Dr. Khosrow Sobhe (Dr. Kay)
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