Textile Musem Associate of Southern California TMA/SC
Today, we had a board meeting for the Textile Museum Associates of Southern California. The vice president hosted the meeting in her house. I carpooled two of the board members who drove to my work and parked their car in our parking lot. It look us roughly 45 minutes to get there. We started at 10:00 am and finished by 1:00 pm. There were many items on the agenda which were all taken care of. There were ten of us present and a few were absent. Few outgoing and few incoming board members attended the meeting. The board meets each quarter, four times a year. It is an interesting group which has a monthly general meeting with one speaker who talks about textile or rug with slide shows or video clips. They are all fun, educational and informative. The speakers are invited from all over the world. I do not know why rug dealers in Los Angeles do not appreciate this group to attend their meetings. The membership is only $45/year. Maybe they know much more than I and others know and there is nothing left to be learned. If this is the case, they can then present lectures and teach others!
Khosrow Sobhe
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