The Rug Industry Will Never Die
CategoriesRug Ideas
Because of the present word economic situation, some rug dealers or those who are somehow involved in one of the many aspects of rug industry might think that this is the end of the rug industry. Rugs of different types have been in existence for millenniums. Mankind needs a kind of floor covering regardless of its name, construction, country of origin and other aspects which may come and go. There have been many changes in the recent decades in the rug industry and its channels of distribution, Chain and department stores, catalog sales, Internet retailers and virtual auction houses, interior designers, television and satellite sellers were never part of the game. The construction of rugs has gone under different changes as well as the designs. Rugs which were considered luxury items and investment are now a consumer product. Regardless of all these changes, which have come into play, people are still using rugs. The players and rules have changed, but the market is still there and will stay there. Whatever role we play in this game, we should never lose hope. We should master the rules of the game and try to learn more about what we do. If we love what we do and if we do what we love, and if rugs is our love and passion, then we will enjoy the game and we will play it right. The rug market will never die.Dr. Khosrow Sobhe (Dr. Kay)
Certified Rug Specialist (CRS)
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