Rugs and Dogs Don’t Go Together!
CategoriesRug Ideas
Last week, a young couple brought in a rug which was severely damaged by their Golden Retriever. They said their dog is a mellow, quiet dog, but for unknown reason she got angry and ripped off their beautiful carpet. We repaired their rug and the husband who came in to pick the rug up was very pleased with our repair job.
Dr. Khosrow Sobhe (Dr. Kay)
Certified Rug Specialist (CRS)
Tel. 310-770-9085
Rug specialist…wow! I didn't even know that such a specialization existed. Rug Master – now that sounds cool!
Wow, that is quite the rip the dog did.
Were you able to reweave the part that was torn away or did you trim the side back and rewrap it?
Thank you Mark. I visited your blog and liked it.
Hi Mary. The owner of the rug did not want to spend that much money for re-weaving the damaged areas. We simply removed the loose part and did the binding by hand.