Professional Rug Cleaning Should Be Professional. What Do We Mean By That?
CategoriesRug Ideas
Clients call in and sometimes do not know what to say, so they ask: how much do we charge for cleaning?
Telling the price without knowing what and how we do our job, is useless. Therefore, we explain that we’re not wall to wall carpet cleaners and do not do steam or surface cleaning. What we do is professional rug cleaning.
Telling the price without knowing what and how we do our job, is useless. Therefore, we explain that we’re not wall to wall carpet cleaners and do not do steam or surface cleaning. What we do is professional rug cleaning.
Many rugs have stains and that is probably the reason why the client wants them to be cleaned. So we pay more attention to the stains and concentrate more on those nasty spots and stubborn stains.
If customers see value, then they do not go shop around without considering the quality of the work. When they see the passion, and professionalism, they do not look for the cheapest job in town. One of the important factors, is paying attention to details and this makes a big difference in delivering good jobs.
Dr. Khosrow Sobhe (Dr. Kay)
Certified Rug Specialist (CRS)
Tel. 310-770-9085
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