Oriental Rug Blogs and Aatracting More Traffic To My Rug Master Web Log
CategoriesRug Ideas
I was looking for a way to attract more traffic to my rug blog. I found this article which I enjoyed reading. An Oriental carpet blog may not have that many readers, but this article may help to find more visitors and readers to such Persian, Oriental and area rug blogs. It is simple but useful. I like to share it with my readers.
How to get regular traffic
If content is the king of a site, traffic is the queen. Traffic is the key to success for a publishers. It is not difficult to attract visitors to your site for the first time. You may place your URL in the forum, Yahoo answer, email or in bulletin board. It is basic instinct of people to visit a new site. So at the first phage you may get good number of traffic. But after a certain period of time your traffic may decrease day by day. The reason is that people are not willing to visit a site which is boring. If you are able to convert your visitors as constant traffic, your success is not far ahead. It is natural that traffic may overflowed into your site for a short period of time. It is due to search engine ranking or by getting to dig homepage or by any means. Grasp the opportunity. Do something so that your visitors turn into your regular traffic. How can you increase the number of regular visitors?
1.Be Unique, informative and creative: Be creative and write unique content. Your article must contain useful information. Elaborate your writing but don’t deceive your visitors. Try to fulfill the expectation of your traffic for which they are exploring your site.
2. Regular posting: Post regularly with new and interesting contents so that your visitors feel interest to come back to your blog. Most of the popular bogs are updated regularly with new contents. If you write on part basis such as Part-I then Part-II your visitors certainly wait for the next part.
3. Simple Designing: Have you visited this blog earlier? You may remember that this blog was incorporated with images. But I have removed images. Because I have experienced that image affected my traffic. Actually people do not prefer the site which takes much time to upload. If you upload your site with many images, it may take more time to open, consequently visitors will skip to other sites for information and you will loose your traffic. So don’t upload your site with unnecessary images.
4. Limited words: Your content should not too big or too small. Content with 400 to 500 words limit is ideal for a site. Don’t be repetitive. Write your content with simple sentences and appropriate density of key words. Make your content interesting and keep it away from boring. If visitors feel interest in your blog they certainly will return and subscribe your feed to keep touch with your blog.
5. Relevant links to other sites: Provide link to other relevant and good quality sites so that your visitors may be benefited. If you are able to provide links to sites for updated and relevant information, people will use your site for updating their knowledge.
6.Promote your RSS Feed : You should keep an active link after every post with few words such as subscribe this blog or like that. Good number of people may subscribe your blog.Source: http://blogrns.blogspot.com/In a separate post, I will do a wrap of my rug blog for the year 2007 as it is the last day of the year.Khosrow Sobhe
great advice! i just started up a persian rug blog, FeaturedRugs.com, wish me well! maybe we can trade links? 🙂
Thanks for this great post. I will use these ideas for my own Persian Rugs site!
We also are trying to attract more traffic! Thanks for the heads up!