Khosrow Sobhe (Dr. Kay) on Judge Judy Show
CategoriesRug Ideas
A client (a couple) was desperately looking for a Nichols Chinese runner. A rug dealer in Santa Barbara, California sold such a piece to this couple for $7,500. The clients found out this runner was not what it was supposed to be and filed a lawsuit to receive their money back. I was asked to appear in court as an “Expert Witness” and present my opinion on the value of this rug to Judge Judy in her show with 10,000,000 viewers. The rug was cut and put together to make up a runner of 3′ x 16′ using 6 pieces from a bigger damaged worn out old Chinese carpet. I received the runner in my rug gallery and inspected it very carefully. I red-tapped all the pieces which were joined/put together to make this damaged crooked runner. The designs were missing or discontinued in several areas of the rug. It was worth maximum $500. Judge Judy trapped the rug dealer and told him that he was a liar, but at the end, the client lost the case as it was dismissed by the Judge. It was a big surprise to the client who happened to be a business lawyer himself. You want to know why? Then watch the video clip!
Dr. Khosrow Sobhe (Dr. Kay)
Certified Rug Specialist (CRS)
Tel. 310-770-9085
khosrow, just wondering if the tape is to show where the rug was sectioned to turn it into a runner?
Hi Steve. If you click on the pictures, they open in new big windows and you can see the cuts and dis-continuation of the designs.
I have to guess that the client really wanted a chinese runner and the dealer obliged by hacking up a bigger rug to make a runner to the clients size requirments.. I say the rug was not really worth even 100 bucks.
That is exactly what happened.
I love Judge Judy! What an interesting case, how nice you were called as an expert witness. 🙂
When I first read what you wrote I was upset the case was dismissed considering the client's were swindled, but after watching the video I can see why the Judge made her decision.
I can see where the rug pattern is inconsistent, you would think if you were paying that much money for a rug you would examine it more closely!
I'm not sure if that lawyer just thought he would win because he was right and the rug dealer was wrong, but as an attorney he comes off as kind of incompetent, I am not a lawyer but I come from a family of attorneys and they would
have handled the matter much better- and would have won I'm sure!
Do you know if this dealer is still in business? I assume he is, but hopefully he has changed his ways since then!