Few Customers , But No Sales!
CategoriesRug Ideas
Today, few customers came in separately looking for cheap rugs. One of them put two 4×6 area rugs aside and said he might come back later. Working on the repair of a Persian Kerman rug took some time. Talking to a couple of customers on the phone, and arranging the delivery of few rugs for today evening and tomorrow morning was part of what I did today. Reading many e-mails, and responding to some of them and sending several e-mails was another job that I did today. The mail man brought few mails, but no bill was among them!
I had sent a letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein regarding Persian Carpet Embargo couple of weeks ago. I received her response today mentioning that he shares the concern with me and agreeing that this embargo will only affect the weavers, many of whom are mothers who make rugs while their kids attend school. I had received a somehow similar reply from another Californian Senator, Barbara Boxer.
I left for home at 6:00 pm.
Khosrow Sobhe
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