Emergency Rug Pick Up, Rug Cleaning, Rug Repair, Rug Water Damage and Rug Stain Removal in Los Angeles
CategoriesRug Ideas
One aspect that really separates us from all of our competitors is that we have the ability to take care of Emergency Rug Pick Up, Rug Cleaning, Rug Repair, and Rug Stain Removal in Los Angeles. Many of our pick ups are emergency pick ups in Los Angeles. Our clients who spill wine, soda, food, etc., on their rugs call us right away and with no hesitation we schedule a pick up the same day to take care of the cleaning, because the fresher the stain, the more effective the cleaning process will be. Our expert stain removers start working on the rugs we get right away. Repairs, water damages and everything else is taken care of the same way.
We always look for ways to stand out and be the one rug cleaning and repair company to have emergency rug water damage restoration pick ups in Los Angeles. This is definitely one of the points of distinctions which sets us apart from our colleagues.
Dr. Khosrow Sobhe (Dr. Kay)
Certified Rug Specialist (CRS)
It is really good that you can provide emergency service to your clients. It is so much easier to deal with a fresh spill than one that is days or weeks old. Keep up the great work.