Clean Rug Gallery in Los Angeles
CategoriesRug Ideas
My brother in law and his family came from New York, last Thursday, to get away from the snow storm there. We have showed them around Los Angeles and tried to show them a good time. Today, after shopping they came to visit our Rug Gallery in Los Angeles. We used them as a good excuse to clean up our desks and our rug gallery. We put all of the rugs for cleaning in an orderly fashion in one place and all the rugs that have been professionally cleaned and repaired on the other side. I also cleaned up all of the paper that have been stacked up on my desk for the past year.
Staying clean is crucial in becoming successful. We are almost done with cleaning up all of the 2010 paperwork. Also, since my son Kash is taking care of all of the company’s paper work, it’s really helpful for me as we have not missed a single payment. He pays every bill right when it’s delivered and takes care of all of my paper work, which really gives me a peace of mind and helps me focus more on the business and not be drowned in papers.
Dr. Khosrow Sobhe (Dr. Kay)
Certified Rug Specialist (CRS)
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