Certified Rug Specialist Class in Dallas, Texas Day 6, Final Day
CategoriesRug Ideas
Today is the day 6 and the last day of our Certified Rug Specialist course. We are supposed to be in the class at 9:00 am to take the test which has two parts, the written part comprising 50 questions from the 400-pages book and from the topics covered in the class. Then there is a Rug-ID part in which we should identify 50 marked rugs. The passing grade for each part is 80 out of 100 which is equal to B!
If someone passes the written test let’s say he gets 85 but do not pass the Rug-ID part and gets 75, he fails the class. The score of two parts are separately taken into account and do not combine.
All 8 of us will return to our home towns later this afternoon. We have people from all over the country. Two from Los Angeles (me and James), one from Monetrey , North California (Barry), one from New Jersey (Orlando), one from Philadelphia (Kevin), one from New York (Jim), one from Arizona Rick), and a lady from Alabama (Shellia). I am the only rug dealer in the class. The rest are rug cleaners and one of them is a rug cleaner as well as a dealer.
We will have 10 months to submit a rug project which should deal with one aspect of rug industry. We should chose the topic and the committee should approve the topic. After this project is done and approved, we receive our certificate and become Certified Rug Specialist.
Khosrow Sobhe
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