A Busy Sunday With Rug Cleaning and Repair and One Rug Sale
CategoriesRug Ideas
It was Sunday yesterday and we were at work from 9:00 am till 9:00 pm! We were supposed to pick up two rugs for cleaning from a neighboring town, some 25 miles away from our rug gallery. My helper did not show up on time and while it was getting really late, one of his friends Noah went to the restaurant next door to drop off something. I asked Noah to see if he was free and could help me and he said yes. I called the customer and let her know that we would be a little bit late and she said it would be fine. We picked up two very old area rugs for cleaning.
During the day, at least five different customers walked in separately but none bought any rug. Only one repeat customer who is in love with Persian rugs came in and bought a hand knotted Persian rug to give it to his friend as a gift. It was a rare 5 x 8 rug in black background made in Toyserkan in Iran. It is very rare to have Persian carpets in black except for two towns which make them, Nahavand, and Toyserkan, two small towns in the vicinity of the famous city of Hamedan which make small rugs of up to 5 x 8 in black. There are a couple of other towns such as Malayer and Nanadj which also made a limited number of rugs with black background.
Since we will have a rug tent sale at the end of this week with up to 50% off, we were busy setting up the store and organizing the racks up to 9:00 pm last night. I do not know why I was not tired at all when I got home!! It maybe because of the excitement of the tent sale and its adventure!!
Khosrow Sobhe
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