Branding For Dummies: Response From The Co-Author
CategoriesRug Ideas
I attended a meeting at The Coalition of Iranian Entrepreneurs, aka, Iranian American Chamber of Commerce at The Olympic Collection Banquet in Los Angeles, CA on Monday September 20th, 2010. I was the President of the Chamber last year and am currently one of the board members. The Honorable Ashly Tabbador, The U.S. Immigration Judge gave a speech on “How to Leverage Your Business for ‘Good'”. She talked about creating social businesses to end poverty and create world peace.
Before Honorable Judge Ashley Tabaddor I presented a talk. I had summarized the book “Branding For Dummies” in one page and 20 points. I had the print out and one of our members distributed that one page. many liked it and talked to me about the book after the meeting.
The next day I wrote about this on my blog. The same day someone left a comment on that blog post: “Dr. Kay, you’ve done a wonderful job summarizing what branding is and does, and what it takes to build a brand. I’m the book’s co-author, and I’m impressed with your list. If your blog readers want more info, I invite them to visit my website,, where I keep a resource page with links to Branding for Dummies excerpts and advice. Also, I post ongoing information at Best wishes to you and your business!” Barbara Findlay Schenck
Sure enough, the Co-Author of the book, Barbara Findlay Schenck, had read my post and commented on it. She also found me on Facebook and commented on my page about the post. It was really interesting for me to see how active the authors of this book are and how much they care about their readers.
I have used this strategy of branding with my company and one of my websites and it has paid off very well.
Khosrow Sobhe (Dr. Kay)
Certified Rug Specialist (CRS)
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