A Busy Saturday at Rug Ideas
CategoriesRug Ideas
We had a very busy Saturday at work here at Rug Ideas. Jenny a radio producer at KCRW here in Los Angeles visited us fr the second time. Jenny is also a Desperate Housewives actress. She is working on a reality type of show and wanted to see how we do our job. She was with us for four hours. She followed us around without interrupting us and just watched and recorded what we did. She also interviewed several of our customers.
Jenny and Kash Sobhe
Jenny and Kash Sobhe
Jenny and I discussing an old rug brought in by a customer. There were signatures of the weaver and many poems woven onto this rug. But our client had not noticed them in the past 60 years they had this rug in the family. I brought these to her attention.
Jenny and I discussing an old rug brought in by a customer. There were signatures of the weaver and many poems woven onto this rug. But our client had not noticed them in the past 60 years they had this rug in the family. I brought these to her attention.
Jenny is talking to Kash while he is doing a stain removal job on a silk rug
Jenny is interviewing Ashkan Sobhe of ITC Firm. Ashkan is my older son who owns and runs a very active online and Internet marketing company here in Los Angeles.
Jenny is interviewing one of our customers who brought in a shag rug for cleaning.
Dr. Khosrow Sobhe (Dr. Kay)
Certified Rug Specialist (CRS)
Tel. 310-770-9085
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